Sunday, 31 August 2014

VITAL PROTECTION - Mosquito and insect repellent applications

VITAL PROTECTION AM1-SOAK AND DRY Mosquito & insect repellent textile application: This is a highly effective product, which allow users to apply our long lasting anti-insect mix to clothes and equipment.

Designed to be applied to clothing, mosquito nets, curtains, bed sheets and all other textile fabrics by soaking and drying after washing. It  has  a long lasting,anti-insect property.
It comes in 20ml sachets.

How to apply: apply by emptying a 220ml sachet into 2.5liter of fresh water and soaking the textile fabric in the water for 10mins after which it can be squeezed and dried.

Treated textiles will help protect and repel mosquitoes and other insects.each treatment of fabrics will last 3 months or 30 washes.

VITAL PROTECTION Am3  mosquito & insect repellent paint additive: Vital Protection Am3 is a revolutionary paint additive that when mixed with any water based internal or external paint, provides real protection and  repellency against mosquitoes and other biting insects.

Independent tests demonstrates Am3 effectively protects against mosquitoes, flies, ticks, and most other insects for up to 36 months, after which you can simply re-apply.
 add a 20m.

How to apply: add l sachet of Am3 to every 5 litres of water based paint, or 4 sachet to every 20 litres of water based paint, mix well and apply as per normal paint instructions.

Am3 can be used with both interior and exterior water based paint ensuring consumers will be able to benefit from effective insect protection within their homes as well as outside.

Cost only N1,100 per 20ml sachet,for 3 months full protection.

Make your interior and exterior walls mosquito and insect repellent with vital Protection Am3.
 Available in Lagos Nigeria.
Distribute Inc is the sole Lagos-Lekki distributor.


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